Dublin Airport
for Prepar3D v4, Prepar3D v5

This product is no longer available. Dublin V2 MSFS is now available. 


Visit Dublin, the major airport of Ireland as well as a significant base for long haul flights to the USA as well as the Middle East.

Key Features

Fully detailed rendition of Dublin airport and it's surroundings
Up to date ground layout and stands according to the real-world changes (state for 2020)
25cm/pixel satellite resolution for the airport area
50cm/pixel satellite resolution for the approach area
Mesh coverage for the airport surroundings
Accurate and detailed airport infrastructure based on real sizes and dimensions
Detailed AFCAD adjusted for AI addons
More than 300 custom objects were placed around the airport
Over 72 000 accurately placed autogen buildings
PBR implementation for taxiways and runways
Full PBR implementation for the airport buildings
Terminal interior model (simplified for maximum performance)
Very realistic night lighting
Optimized Dynamic Lightning
SODE jetways and windsocks supported
Fully working VGDS docking system for GSX users
FTX Ireland compatible
Orbx Global/Vector compatible


Price available on the store page. Product available in various stores. All links available below. 




- Lockheed Marin Prepar3D V4.5+ and V5
- SODE 1.7.1 or higher
- Windows 7,8,10 x64 with all updates installed

Supported Simulators

This product is compatible with the following simulators:

Prepar3D v4, Prepar3D v5

Supported Operating Systems

